According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Sadly, chronic pain is linked to depression, anxiety, opioid addiction, limited mobility, and increased medical costs.
At NuVation Pain Group in Buena Park and Los Angeles, California, we understand pain and how to get you out of it. Today we’re addressing chronic pain, trigger points, and trigger point injection therapy. Read on to learn more.
Understanding chronic pain
Whether you burn your finger pulling something from the oven, stub your toe while you’re walking, break your arm playing a sport, or pull a muscle exercising, we all experience pain at many moments in our lives. In most cases, the pain subsides, and your body heals.
On the other hand, chronic pain is pain that doesn’t resolve for six months or longer. It’s a nagging pain that taxes your body and emotions and may affect your quality of life. You may develop chronic pain after an injury, or it may begin with no known cause.
Types of pain conditions
Hundreds of different pain conditions vary in severity. At NuVation Pain Group, we optimize your care by offering multimodal treatment options to address any of these chronic pain concerns:
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Migraines
- Cancer Pain
- Bursitis
- Neck pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Testicular Pain
- Neuromas
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Spine Pain
- Occipital Neuralgia
Depending on your pain condition and your health history, Phillip Lim, DO, MPH customizes a treatment plan that may include a range of approaches, such as nerve blocks, steroid injections, PRP injections, ketamine infusions, and trigger point injections.
Understanding trigger points
Trigger points are tender, tight, sensitive areas in a band of muscle. Commonly called muscle knots, trigger points create acute and chronic pain. In many cases, trigger points compromise your range of motion and greatly affect your quality of life. They can develop from an accident or injury, overuse, or a musculoskeletal imbalance.
Trigger point injections relieve pain
When you come into our clinic with trigger point pain, Dr. Lim conducts a thorough exam to identify the precise location of the trigger point. He then isolates the problem area between two fingers and injects a solution that’s made of an anesthetic and saline to release the trigger point and render it inactive. You’ll feel your taut muscles relax and get prompt relief.
If you’re struggling with trigger points, call NuVation Pain Group today. We look forward to helping you feel good again.